A person who has experienced an extreme trauma may be diagnosed with PTSD if he or she has a certain number of symptoms from each of three symptom groups: re-experiencing, avoidance/numbing, and hyper arousal. These symptoms must last for more than 1 month and must cause severe problems or distress in personal life, work life, or other important areas of daily living.
Re-experiencing — one
or more of the following: Frequent, sudden, and
upsetting memories about the event,
including certain images and thoughts about
the event Repeated distressing
dreams about the event. Acting or feeling as if
the traumatic event were happening again
(includes reliving, such as having
flashbacks about the event) Strong mental and
emotional pain when seeing people, places,
or other reminders of the event. Physical reactions (such
as shakiness, chills, heart beating fast)
when seeing people, places, or other
reminders of the event.
Avoidance and numbing
— three or more of the following: Making efforts to avoid
thoughts, feelings, or conversations about
the event. Making efforts to avoid
activities, places, or people that are
reminders of the event. Not being able to remember
important details about the event. No longer enjoying or
taking part in activities once enjoyed. Feeling detached or
removed from family and friends. Having feelings of
emotional numbness that others may notice. Believing that certain
important life goals (such as marriage,
parenthood, or growing older) will not be
Hyperarousal — two or
more of the following: Problems falling asleep or
staying asleep. Angry outbursts or being
irritable. Problems concentrating. Feeling "overly alert". Being "overly startled". Appearance of PTSD
Symptoms. Symptoms of PTSD usually start to appear within several weeks of the traumatic event. However, some people may
not have any symptoms for months or years
after the traumatic event.
PTSD — and the
Possibility of Other Conditions Sometimes people with PTSD
also may have another medical condition,
such as: Another anxiety disorder. Major depression. Also, people with PTSD may
try to numb their feelings by
"self-medicating" with alcohol and/or drugs. In addition, some people with PTSD have physical complaints along with PTSD symptoms.
These people often go
to their doctors seeking treatment for these
symptoms, which may include: Stomach pains; alternating
constipation/diarrhea. Respiratory problems. Headaches. Muscle cramps or aches. Low back pain. Cardiovascular problems. If you have one or more of these conditions, along with the symptoms of PTSD discussed earlier, be sure to talk to a healthcare professional. Only a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional can evaluate your overall condition to determine whether you have a medical disorder and to make a diagnosis of PTSD.
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